The Tangent Drive Road Improvement Project is an important Linn County Road project that the City of Tangent recognizes and encourages residents living along Tangent Drive to be aware of the latest updates and how the project originated. All updates will be posted on this page, with the newest updates at the top and the oldest falling to the bottom. We also added a Frequently Asked Questions part below.
2024: Survey Work Completed & Future Plans with 2027 Construction Goal
Linn County Road Department has completed the survey and will place an RFP for a design on the new Tangent Drive project in the 2025 calendar. The design firm will use the data from the surveyors and make concept designs. Designs will come in around the 2026 calendar year and a public town hall meeting is still in the plans. Construction for the Tangent Drive project is scheduled for a 2027 calendar year groundbreaking.
2024: Survey Work
In July of 2024, the Linn County Road Department was seen doing survey work on Tangent Drive. According to the County Road Engineer, once a preliminary design has been drafted, the public will be informed, and there will be a public process.
2023: Funding Re-Established
The funding for the Tangent Drive Road Improvement project is re-established, and Linn County confirms that the project is to kick off in fiscal year 2025 (July 2024-June 2025).
2022: Funding at Risk
In late 2021, it was announced that ODOT would pull the State Exchange Fund program suddenly. This meant no more grant funds for metropolitan planning organizations under 200,000 and sole reliance on federal grants. This put the Tangent Drive Project on hold as the funding was not guaranteed.
As part of the City Council goal and the adverse impact the ending of the State Exchange Fund program had on smaller cities across Oregon, the City of Tangent did lobby to the Co-Chair of the State Legislature Transportation Committee, Senator Sara Gelser Blouin (D), Representative Shelly Boshart-Davis (R), and several legislatures about the importance of the State Exchange Fund for small cities across Oregon.
2021: Post-Pandemic and New City Manager
In April of 2021, the prior city manager of 33 years retired, and a new city manager stepped in. The project and council goal of the Tangent Drive Road Improvement Project is still in place but delayed due to the pandemic.
2020: COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 Pandemic put a pause on many projects across Oregon and nationwide. This delay also impacted the City of Tangent and projects like the Tangent Drive Road Improvement Project.
2020: Approval for Funding
In 2020, the members of the Albany Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) approved the Tangent Drive Road Improvement Project to proceed forward with Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) funding and construction. The approval was for the fiscal year 2021 (July 2020-June 2021) and beyond. The funds will be awarded to Linn County to perform the work.
2019: Proposal of the Tangent Drive Road Improvement Project
In 2019, AAMPO opened up the STBG cycle for the period of 2021 to 2024 for all applications, with a filing deadline of August 2, 2019. The STBG is offered through ODOT and is open to any jurisdiction through its regional transportation planning organization.
At the time, the County Engineer for Linn County Roads Department submitted the application with support from the City of Tangent in 2019 for the Tangent Drive Road Improvement Project. The project is a modernized Tangent Drive with sidewalks, bike lanes, traffic calming, and stormwater control.
AAMPO: Introduction to the Albany Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
The City of Tangent is a member City of AAMPO, the organization responsible for transportation plans and programs per federal and state regulations for areas of over 50,000. AAMPO consists of the following cities:
· City of Albany
· City of Jefferson
· City of Millersburg
· City of Tangent
· Linn County
· Benton County
The 2010 Census determined that the Albany Urbanized Area had reached over 50,000, and the Governor of Oregon formally designated the Albany Area MPO in February 2013. AAMPO is the authority that establishes long-range regional transportation plans, the bi-annual four-year Transportation Improvement Program, and a Public Participation Plan. All AAMPO meetings are open to the public.
AAMPO consists of the Technical Advisory Committee and the Policy Board. The two groups must agree on projects to be funded. Along with the cities, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is also involved as a member of AAMPO. Funding for these planning and programming activities is primarily provided by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration.
The City of Tangent has one position on both the board and advisory committee, with the committee member usually being a member of city staff, and the board member volunteered from city council.
2018: Introduction of Tangent Drive Road Improvement Project
On March 19, 2018, the City Council added the new goal of the Tangent Drive Road Improvement Project and received support from the Linn County Road Department. Linn County has jurisdiction over Tangent Drive; any work must be done by the County, not the City of Tangent. This was adopted and has been a goal for the City of Tangent.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the role of the City of Tangent Planning Commission?
The Planning Commission is a volunteer board of residents of Tangent that reviews, discusses, and votes on policies regarding land use and development in the City of Tangent. This includes the city's transportation plan and what requirements shall be set when new road improvement projects occur.
Can I sign up for the City of Tangent Planning Commission?
Who represents Tangent in the AAMPO meetings?
How can I learn more about AAMPO and its meetings?